How to Figure Out Your Final Guarantee for Food & Beverage Functions!
When hosting a special event that requires food & beverages, the final counts for the number of attendees attending the event are usually due 72 hours in advance, prior to the function. This gives the venue time to order the proper number of food and beverages needed for your event.
Usually, when you have people register for an event,10% of the people that you expect to attend, don't end up showing up, at the last minute. This is due to an illness, an emergency or a death. Therefore, make sure that your Meeting/Special Event professional never guarantees the exact number of people that you anticipate to attend. First, find out what the over set percentage is from the venue where you are holding your event. Usually, venues overset anywhere from 5%-15% over what your guarantee number of attendees will be.
In order to save money and be close to what your actual count is, guarantee a less number of attendees from what your actual number is and figure in the overset number in your final count.
This is a numbers game, but you want to be as close to your actual number of attendees as possible. You never want to pay for no shows or anything over from the actual number of attendees. It is never good to have too many left overs, from your function. If you do have left overs, you might want to consider donating it to a homeless shelter.