A Wonderful Honor to have received an Award of Dedication-Professional Member from the RMPCMA
A Wonderful Honor to have received an Award of Dedication-Professional Member from the Professional Convention Management Association...

Why Meeting Planning Affiliations Make a Difference!
Thank you to "Corporate & Incentive Travel” Magazine, April 2019 edition for Quoting me on pages 49-50! https://documentcloud.adobe.com/l...
The EIC Just Released the APEC COVID-19 Business Recovery Task Force Health and Safety for Hotels!
The EIC just released the APEX COVID-19 Business Recovery Health and Safety for Hotels Guideline at: https://online.flippingbook.com/vie...
The EIC just released the APEX COVID-19 Business Recovery Task Force For Meeting and Event Design!
The EIC just released the APEX COVID-19 Business Recovery Task Force: https://documentcloud.adobe.com/link/review?uri=urn:aaid:scds:US:7...
I am delighted to be a finalist for the MPI RISE Awards! https://www.mpi.org/membership/global-volunteer-center/rise-awards-finalist/
How to Deal With the COVID-19!
I just attended the Meetings Industry Council (MIC) here in Denver, Colorado from March 10-11, 2020. Over 1500 people attended this...
The RMPCMA All Hearts Awards Gala - February 12, 2019!
Come one, come all to the upcoming RMPCMA All Hearts Awards Gala on February 12, 2019 at the Hilton Denver City Center as it will be a...

Why Meeting Planning Affiliations Make a Difference!
Thank you to "Corporate & Incentive Travel” Magazine, April 2019 edition for Quoting me on pages 49-50! https://lnkd.in/eR5ymkk